Whitetail Ski Patrol Swap
MyConsignmentSale.com, Easy Consignment Sale Software


MyConsignmentSale.com - Easy Consignment Sale Software


Welcome to the Whitetail Ski Patrol Swap Sale!

Fill in this form to join the Whitetail Ski Patrol Swap.

First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Cell Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Email address:
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Mailing List:
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Please read the following agreement,
check the box to agree, and click the Create Account button.

Terms of Service:

Bindings will be checked against the manufacturer indemnity list. Boots will also be checked to see if the soles are too worn to be safely used.

As a consignor to the Consignment Sale, I agree to the following:

  1. All items are in good condition, free of rips, stains and tears and are ready for resale. All clothing is on hangers as required.

  2. Consignor will receive 80% of the proceeds from the sale of each item sold OR may choose Pro-Fit Ski store credit for 100% of their proceeds. Whitetail Ski Patrol will still get the 20% donation. Consignor is required to enter items themselves.

  3. Consignor will make arrangements to pick up any unsold items after the sale. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Whitetail Ski Patrol.

  4. Your check will be mailed approximately two weeks after the sale.

  5. Store Credit will be available 1 week after the sale

  6. Proprietors of the sale or the location will not be held liable for any loss or damage to the items from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to flood, fire, or theft.

  7. SKI BINDING CHECK AT DROPOFF: All ski bindings will be checked against the ski industry’s 2023 list of supported ski bindings when checked into the tent sale. The manufacturers stop supporting some bindings after a few years because they can start to fail and jeopardize skier safety. Therefore, ski shop technicians’ are not allowed to adjust the bindings because they don’t want to jeopardize skier safety either. The Whitetail Ski Patrol seeks to support skier safety by preventing the sale of unsupported bindings at the Swap that customers will not be able to have adjusted or used safely.

I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.

Answer the following:
What are the first 5 letters of the alphabet?