2023 West Seattle Ski & Snowboard Swap

2023 West Seattle Ski & Snowboard Swap

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List of Items

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Lange XR 85WomenBoots$20.00
Saloman BootsWomenSnowboard$50.00
Red and Blue Knit Winter CapBoysWinter Clothing$7.00
Rossignol Axial 140 bindings, Din 14MenBindings$70.00
Salomon 550WomenSki$60.00
Ortovox F1 Avalanche Beacon (used twice)UnisexMisc Accessories$60.00
Gortex Marmot PantsMenSki$50.00
Men's Rossignol SkisMenSki$75.00
Kokanee 175MenSki$100.00
Fischer Challenge Downhill skisUnisexSki$30.00
Burton JacketBoysSki$30.00
Snowboard UnisexSnowboard$25.00
Waterproof Shell JacketMenWinter Clothing$40.00
Waterproof Shell JacketMenWinter Clothing$40.00
Kokane 179MenSki$100.00
Marker Gortex PantsMenSki$100.00
Technica WomenBoots$15.00
K2 Snowboard BootsBoysSki$1.00
Red Knit Winter Cap w/stripesUnisexWinter Clothing$7.00
Snowboard & BindingsUnisexSnowboard$25.00
K2 Sapera Snowboard BootsWomenBoots$1.00
Waterproof Shell JacketMenWinter Clothing$40.00
Waterproof Shell JacketMenWinter Clothing$40.00
Salomon Evoluton 10.0 26.5MenBoots$25.00
K2 Maysis Rental Snowboard BootsBoysBoots$1.00