Southpointe Consignment Sale

Southpointe Consignment Sale

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Welcome to the Southpointe Consignment Sale!

Fill in this form to join the Southpointe Consignment Sale.

First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Cell Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Email address:
Retype Email address:

Mailing List:
Retype Password:
 Enter the Password you wish to use.

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Please read the following agreement,
check the box to agree, and click the Create Account button.

Terms of Service:

As a consignor to the Consignment Sale, I agree to the following:

  1. I have reviewed the latest list of recalled children's products and toys at (see product category) and will make sure that I do not knowingly include any items on this list in the sale.

  2. All items are in good condition, free of rips, stains and tears and are ready for resale. All clothing is on wire hangers, as required. Onesies sell best grouped as a small set on wire hangers. Shoes should be connected or in Ziploc bags to prevent separation.

  3. Consignors must have a minimum of 20 items in the sale in order to shop at the presale. Children are not allowed at the presale unless they are an infant in a sling/carrier (no strollers, please).

  4. All items unsold the last day of the sale will be marked down by 50% unless the Red X checkbox was marked in the database.

  5. Consignor will receive 70% of the proceeds from the sale of each item sold if they enter items themselves.

  6. A fee of $10.00 will be deducted from each consignor's total sale proceeds to help offset sale costs. This fee is non-refundable and is for participation in this sale event only. This fee includes an envelope and stamp to mail consignor checks after the sale.

  7. Consignor will make arrangements to pick up any unsold items after the sale. Any items unclaimed by 6:00pm on Saturday, September 21st, will be donated to a local charity.

  8. Your check will be mailed approximately one week after the sale. Consignor agrees to deposit/cash their proceeds check within 90 days of receipt, and understands that lost checks will not be replaced without a Stop Payment being placed on the original

  9. Proprietors of the sale or the location will not be held liable for any loss or damage to the items from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to flood, fire, or theft.
I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.

Answer the following:
What color is red plus blue?