Davis High School Ski Swap
MyConsignmentSale.com, Easy Consignment Sale Software


MyConsignmentSale.com - Easy Consignment Sale Software


Welcome to the Davis High School Ski Swap Sale!

Fill in this form to join the Davis High School Ski Swap.

First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Cell Phone: Format: 863-111-1234
Email address:
Retype Email address:

Mailing List:
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Please read the following agreement,
check the box to agree, and click the Create Account button.

Terms of Service:

As a consignor to the Consignment Sale, I agree to the following:

  1. The Davis High School Ski Team agrees to place your article(s) on sale and promises to collect the asking price if sold, or to make the article(s) available to you for collection at 2pm on the sale date. You expressly release the Davis High School Ski Team of any responsibility in the case of loss, theft, or damage of the article(s). You also give permission to the Davis High School Ski Team to donate the article(s) to charity in the event the article(s) are not claimed by you by 2:00PM on the day of the Ski Swap.

    At noon, all items not marked with an X will be reduced by 30%. It is your responsibility to exclude your items from this price reduction if you don't want them discounted.

    25% of the proceeds from the sale of your item(s) will go to the Davis High School Ski Team as commission.
I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.

Answer the following:
What is yellow plus red?